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RedisInsight: The Ultimate Tool for Redis Data Visualization and Optimization


RedisInsight: The Best GUI Tool for Redis

Redis is a powerful in-memory database that supports various data structures, modules, and features. However, working with Redis can be challenging without a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows you to easily inspect, manipulate, and optimize your data. That's where RedisInsight comes in.

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RedisInsight is a free and open source GUI tool for Redis that lets you do both GUI- and CLI-based interactions in a fully-featured desktop client. It supports all variants of Redis, including open source, enterprise, cloud, and ElastiCache. It also supports all the latest capabilities offered by Redis modules, such as JSON, search, graph, time series, AI, and more.

In this article, we will show you how to install and use RedisInsight to visualize and optimize your Redis data. We will also compare it with some other GUI tools for Redis and answer some frequently asked questions.

How to Install RedisInsight

Installing RedisInsight is very easy and straightforward. You can download the latest version of RedisInsight from . The desktop client is supported on Windows, MacOS, and Ubuntu operating systems.

After downloading the installer, you can follow these steps to install RedisInsight on your system:

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what are the system requirements for installing and running RedisInsight

what are the benefits of using RedisInsight over other Redis GUIs

what are the features of RedisInsight that make it the best Redis GUI

Operating SystemInstallation Steps


  • Open a terminal and navigate to the folder containing the downloaded file.

  • Make your downloaded file into an executable: chmod +x redisinsight-linux64-<version>

  • Start RedisInsight: ./redisinsight-linux64-<version>

  • To access your RedisInsight UI, open a web browser and navigate to .


  • Run the installer.

Note: MacOS 10.14.x users occasionally encounter errors during installation. If you encounter a problem installing RedisInsight, please contact us at and perform the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Move the package to the Desktop and left-click the file while hold the Control key.

  • Click Open to proceed past the warning message.

  • After the web server starts, open and add a Redis database connection.


  • Note: RedisInsight should install and run on a fresh Windows system. There is no need to install any .NET framework.

  • Run the installer.

  • After the web server starts, open and add a Redis database connection.

How to Connect to Redis Databases Using RedisInsight

Once you have installed RedisInsight, you can connect to any Redis database that you have access to. You can connect to local or remote databases, as well as cloud or enterprise databases. You can also connect to multiple databases at the same time and switch between them easily.

To add a new Redis database connection, you can follow these steps:

  • Click the Add Redis Database button on the top right corner of the RedisInsight dashboard.

Select the type of connection you want to use. You can choose from:

  • Standalone: This is the most common type of connection, where you have a single Redis instance running on a host and port.

  • Cluster: This is for connecting to a Redis Cluster, which is a distributed system of multiple Redis nodes that can scale and provide high availability.

  • Sentinel: This is for connecting to a Redis Sentinel, which is a system that monitors and manages a group of Redis instances that provide high availability and failover.

  • Redis Enterprise Cloud: This is for connecting to a Redis Enterprise Cloud database, which is a fully managed service that offers high performance, scalability, and security.

  • Redis Enterprise Software: This is for connecting to a Redis Enterprise Software database, which is a self-hosted solution that offers the same features as Redis Enterprise Cloud.

  • Enter the required information for your connection type, such as host, port, password, name, etc. You can also test your connection before adding it by clicking the Test Connection button.

  • Click the Add Redis Database button to save your connection. You can now see your database on the dashboard and start using it with RedisInsight.

How to Browse, Filter, and Visualize Redis Data Using RedisInsight

One of the main features of RedisInsight is the ability to browse, filter, and visualize your Redis data in a user-friendly way. You can see all the keys in your database, along with their types, sizes, values, and expiration times. You can also search for keys using patterns or filters, and sort them by various criteria. You can also view the values of different data types in different formats, such as table, tree, JSON, graph, etc.

To browse your Redis data using RedisInsight, you can follow these steps:

  • Select the database you want to browse from the dashboard. You will see a list of all the keys in your database on the left panel.

  • To search for keys, you can use the Search box on the top of the panel. You can enter a pattern or a filter expression to find matching keys. For example, you can enter user:* to find all keys that start with user:, or @set to find all keys that are sets.

  • To sort the keys, you can use the Sort By dropdown menu on the top right of the panel. You can sort by key name, type, size, TTL (time to live), or value.

  • To view the value of a key, you can click on it from the list. You will see the value on the right panel, along with its type and size. You can also edit or delete the key from here.

To view the value in different formats, you can use the tabs on the bottom of the panel. You can choose from:

  • Table: This shows the value in a tabular format, with columns and rows. This is useful for data types like hashes, sets, sorted sets, streams, etc.

  • Tree: This shows the value in a hierarchical format, with nodes and branches. This is useful for data types like lists or JSON objects.

  • JSON: This shows the value in a JSON format, with keys and values. This is useful for data types like JSON objects or strings that contain JSON data.

  • Graph: This shows the value in a graphical format, with nodes and edges. This is useful for data types like graphs or geospatial data.

  • Blob: This shows the value in a binary format, with hex codes and ASCII characters. This is useful for data types like strings that contain binary data.

How to Perform CRUD Operations on Different Data Types Using RedisInsight

Another feature of RedisInsight is the ability to perform CRUD (create, read, [user](# update, delete) operations on different data types using RedisInsight. You can create new keys or edit existing ones, as well as delete keys or values from your database. You can also use the built-in commands or the Workbench tool to execute any Redis command on your data.

To perform CRUD operations on different data types using RedisInsight, you can follow these steps:

  • Select the database and the key you want to work with from the dashboard. You will see the value of the key on the right panel.

  • To create a new key, you can click the Add Key button on the top right corner of the panel. You can choose the type of the key and enter its name and value. You can also set an expiration time for the key if you want.

  • To edit an existing key, you can click the Edit button on the top right corner of the panel. You can change the name, value, or TTL of the key. You can also add, remove, or modify elements of different data types, such as fields of hashes, members of sets, scores of sorted sets, entries of streams, etc.

  • To delete a key or a value, you can click the Delete button on the top right corner of the panel. You can choose to delete the entire key or a specific element of a data type, such as a field of a hash, a member of a set, a score of a sorted set, an entry of a stream, etc.

  • To execute any Redis command on your data, you can use the CLI or the Workbench tools in RedisInsight. The CLI tool allows you to enter and run Redis commands in a terminal-like interface. The Workbench tool allows you to write and execute Redis commands in a code editor-like interface. You can also save and load your commands as scripts in the Workbench tool.

How to Use the CLI and Workbench Tools in RedisInsight

As mentioned above, RedisInsight provides two tools for executing Redis commands on your data: the CLI and the Workbench. These tools are useful for performing advanced operations that are not available in the GUI, such as scripting, transactions, pub/sub, etc. They are also useful for learning and testing Redis commands and features.

To use the CLI tool in RedisInsight, you can follow these steps:

  • Select the database you want to work with from the dashboard. You will see a list of all the keys in your database on the left panel.

  • Click the CLI button on the top right corner of the panel. You will see a terminal-like interface where you can enter and run Redis commands.

  • Type your command and press Enter. You will see the output of your command below. You can also use Tab to autocomplete your command or Up/Down arrows to navigate through your command history.

  • To exit the CLI tool, you can type exit or press Ctrl+C.

To use the Workbench tool in RedisInsight, you can follow these steps:

  • Select the database you want to work with from the dashboard. You will see a list of all the keys in your database on the left panel.

  • Click the Workbench button on the top right corner of the panel. You will see a code editor-like interface where you can write and execute Redis commands.

  • Type your command or script in the editor. You can use Ctrl+Space to autocomplete your command or Ctrl+/ to comment/uncomment your code. You can also use the Format button to format your code.

  • To run your command or script, you can click the Run button or press F8. You will see the output of your command or script below. You can also use the Clear button to clear the output.

  • To save your command or script, you can click the Save button or press Ctrl+S. You can give a name and a description to your script and save it in your local storage. You can also load your saved scripts by clicking the Load button or pressing Ctrl+O.

  • To exit the Workbench tool, you can click the X button on the top right corner of the panel.

How to Explore the Best of Redis Modules Using RedisInsight

RedisInsight also supports all the latest capabilities offered by Redis modules, which are extensions that provide additional functionality and data types to Redis. RedisInsight allows you to explore and interact with these modules in a simple and intuitive way, without having to learn complex commands or syntaxes.

Some of the modules that RedisInsight supports are:

  • RedisJSON: This module allows you to store, query, and manipulate JSON data in Redis.

  • RediSearch: This module allows you to create and query full-text indexes on Redis data.

  • RedisGraph: This module allows you to store, query, and analyze graph data in Redis.

  • RedisTimeSeries: This module allows you to store, query, and analyze time series data in Redis.

  • RedisAI: This module allows you to run machine learning models and tensors in Redis.

  • RedisBloom: This module allows you to use probabilistic data structures such as bloom filters, cuckoo filters, count-min sketch, etc. in Redis.

  • RedisGears: This module allows you to write and execute distributed data processing pipelines in Redis.

  • RedisRaft: This module allows you to run Redis in a strongly consistent cluster mode.

To explore the best of Redis modules using RedisInsight, you can follow these steps:

  • Select the database and the key you want to work with from the dashboard. You will see the value of the key on the right panel.

  • If the key is associated with a module, you will see a tab with the name of the module on the bottom of the panel. For example, if the key is a JSON object, you will see a tab with JSON.

  • To view and edit the value using the module features, you can click on the tab with the name of the module. You will see a different interface depending on the module. For example, if you click on JSON, you will see a JSON editor where you can modify your JSON object using dot notation or JSONPath.

  • To execute any module-specific command on your data, you can use the CLI or the Workbench tools in RedisInsight. You can enter and run any command that is supported by the module. For example, if you want to run a RediSearch query on your data, you can use the FT.SEARCH command.

How to Manage Streams and Consumer Groups Using RedisInsight

RedisInsight also supports the stream data type, which is a log-like structure that allows you to store and process ordered sequences of messages. You can use streams to implement event-driven architectures, message queues, pub/sub systems, etc. You can also use consumer groups to create multiple consumers that can read from the same stream in parallel.

To manage streams and consumer groups using RedisInsight, you can follow these steps:

  • Select the database and the key you want to work with from the dashboard. You will see the value of the key on the right panel.

  • If the key is a stream, you will see a tab with Stream on the bottom of the panel. You can click on it to view and edit the stream data.

  • To view the stream data, you can use the Table or the Tree tabs on the bottom of the panel. You can see the ID, fields, and values of each entry in the stream. You can also filter the entries by ID range or by field value.

  • To add a new entry to the stream, you can click the Add Entry button on the top right corner of the panel. You can enter the fields and values of the entry and click Add Entry. You can also use * as the ID to let Redis generate a unique ID for you.

  • To edit or delete an existing entry in the stream, you can click on it from the table or tree view. You will see a popup window where you can modify or remove the entry.

  • To create a new consumer group for the stream, you can click the Add Consumer Group button on the top right corner of the panel. You can enter the name and ID of the consumer group and click Add Consumer Group.

  • To view and manage an existing consumer group for the stream, you can click on it from the list of consumer groups on the left panel. You will see a list of consumers and pending entries for the consumer group on the right panel.

  • To add a new consumer to the consumer group, you can click the Add Consumer button on the top right corner of the panel. You can enter the name of the consumer and click Add Consumer.

  • To view and manage an existing consumer in the consumer group, you can click on it from the list of consumers. You will see a list of pending entries for the consumer on the right panel. You can also acknowledge or delete the entries from here.

  • To delete a consumer group or a consumer, you can click the Delete button on the top right corner of the panel. You can choose to delete the entire consumer group or a specific consumer from it.

How to Troubleshoot Performance Issues Using RedisInsight

RedisInsight also helps you troubleshoot performance issues and optimize your Redis database. It provides various tools and features that allow you to monitor, analyze, and improve your Redis performance, such as:

  • Memory Analysis: This tool allows you to analyze your Redis memory usage and identify memory leaks, fragmentation, or inefficiencies. It shows you a breakdown of your memory by key, type, size, TTL, encoding, etc. It also gives you recommendations on how to optimize your memory usage and reduce your costs.

  • Slowlog: This tool allows you to view and analyze your Redis slowlog, which is a list of commands that took longer than a certain threshold to execute. It shows you the command, duration, arguments, and timestamp of each slowlog entry. It also gives you insights on why the command was slow and how to improve its performance.

  • Profiling: This tool allows you to profile your Redis commands and measure their execution time, latency, throughput, and errors. It shows you a summary of your profiling results, as well as a detailed breakdown of each command and its subcommands. It also gives you suggestions on how to optimize your commands and avoid bottlenecks.

  • Metrics: This tool allows you to monitor your Redis metrics and visualize them in real-time charts. It shows you various metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, network traffic, commands per second, keyspace hits and misses, etc. It also allows you to set alerts and notifications for any metric that exceeds a certain threshold.

To troubleshoot performance issues using RedisInsight, you can follow these steps:

  • Select the database you want to troubleshoot from the dashboard. You will see a list of all the keys in your database on the left panel.

  • Click the Tools button on the top right corner of the panel. You will see a list of all the tools available for your database on the right panel.

  • Select the tool you want to use from the list. You will see a different interface depending on the tool. For example, if you select Memory Analysis, you will see a pie chart showing your memory usage by key type.

  • Use the tool to diagnose and resolve your performance issues. You can also switch between different tools by clicking on their names on the right panel.

What are Some Other GUI Tools for Redis and How Do They Compare to RedisInsight?

RedisInsight is not the only GUI tool for Redis available in the market. There are some other tools that offer similar or different features and functionalities for Redis users. Some of the popular ones are:

  • Redis Desktop Manager: This is a cross-platform GUI tool for Redis that allows you to manage multiple Redis connections, browse and edit data, execute commands, and monitor performance. It has a simple and intuitive interface, but it does not support all the Redis modules or features.

  • Redis Commander: This is a web-based GUI tool for Redis that allows you to manage multiple Redis servers, browse and edit data, execute commands, and monitor statistics. It has a rich and interactive interface, but it can be slow and buggy at times.

  • Medis: This is a MacOS-based GUI tool for Redis that allows you to manage multiple Redis connections, browse and edit data, execute commands, and monitor performance. It has a beautiful and elegant interface, but it does not support all the Redis modules or features.

  • FastoRedis: This is a cross-platform GUI tool for Redis that allows you to manage multiple Redis connections, browse and edit data, execute commands, and monitor performance. It has a powerful and flexible interface, but it can be complex and overwhelming for beginners.

How do these tools compare to RedisInsight? Well, it depends on your needs and preferences. However, we believe that RedisInsight has some advantages over these tools, such as:

  • It supports all the latest capabilities offered by Redis modules: RedisInsight allows you to explore and interact with all the Redis modules in a simple and intuitive way, without having to learn complex commands or syntaxes.

  • It provides various tools and features to troubleshoot performance issues and optimize your Redis database: RedisInsight helps you analyze your memory usage, view your slowlog, profile your commands, monitor your metrics, and more.

  • It is free and open source: RedisInsight is completely free to use and open source. You can download it from the official website or contribute to its development on GitHub.


In this article, we have shown you how to install and use RedisInsight, the best GUI tool for Redis. We have also compared it with some other GUI tools for Redis and answered some frequently asked questions.

RedisInsight is a powerful and user-friendly tool that allows you to visualize and optimize your Redis data. It supports all variants of Redis, including open source, enterprise, cloud, and ElastiCache. It also supports all the latest capabilities offered by Redis modules, such as JSON, search, graph, time series, AI, and more.

If you want to try RedisInsight for yourself, you can download it from for more information and resources.


Here are some common questions about RedisInsight:

  • What are the system requirements for running RedisInsight?

RedisInsight requires at least 4 GB of RAM and 1 GB of disk space to run smoothly. It also requires a web browser that supports HTML5 and JavaScript.

  • How can I update my RedisInsight to the latest version?

You can update your RedisInsight by downloading the latest version from and installing it over your existing installation. You can also check for updates from within the application by clicking the About button on the top right corner of the dashboard.

  • How can I report a bug or request a feature for RedisInsight?

You can report a bug or request a feature for RedisInsight by creating an issue on .

  • How can I contribute to the development of RedisInsight?

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